Presentations may be submitted in one of the following submission formats: (1) Individual Oral Presentations, (2) Symposia (usually consisting of 4 to 5 Oral Presentations referring to an overarching topic, followed by a discussion), and (3) Poster Presentations.

Proposals must be submitted by filling out a specific form for each presentation format: Symposium; Oral presentation or Poster.

– Symposium submission form (click here)

– Free communication or poster submission form (click here)

Each abstract submission should include the title, authors’ names, e-mail addresses, institutional affiliations and countries. Abstracts should have a maximum length of 250 words, and must include Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Three to five keywords are also required.

Oral presentations will be organized in parallel sessions, and each presentation must take up to 12 minutes.

For symposia proposals, a general abstract, the title of the symposium and its coordinator, as well as the title of each communication and respective authors must be presented. Each symposium may include a maximum of five oral presentations delivered by at least three different authors.

All posters will be placed online (E-poster), so they must be sent in pdf, as authors want them to be presented, before July 15th, by the email

There will be no paper posters during this congress.

Authors who participate in person may, if they wish, also present a brief communication about the e-poster, for 3 minutes, while it is being projected in a room for this purpose, at a time foreseen in the program.

Presentations in English, Portuguese or Spanish will be accepted, yet all abstract submissions should be in the conference’s official language, English.

Important notes:

Submissions can be made until March 1st.

To be included in the program, at least one author of each presentation must pay the registration fee by June 30th, 2023.